My Husband’s a Loser
Our President is a Loser
Country Music is for Losers
Disco is for Losers
Losers listen to Rap Music
Drop In a Name: " _______ " is a Loser
My mother In Law is a Loser
My Father In Law is a Loser
My Brother is a Loser
My Sister is a Loser
My ex-Boyfriend is a Loser
My ex-Girlfriend is a Loser
My senator is a Loser
If you drink and drive you is a Loser
Only Losers drink and drive
If you smoke, you are a Loser
Losers smoke cigarettes
My neighbor is a Loser
My Doctor is a Loser
All Lawyers are Losers
Limo Drivers are Losers
My Boss is a Loser
My wife is a Loser
My ex-wife is a Loser
My ex-husband is a Loser
My Step Parents are Losers
You’ve been voted Loser of the Week
My ex-Coach is a Loser
You Better Step Back, Loser
Don’t talk to her, you Loser
Talk to the Hand, Loser
I married a Loser
I work with a Loser
My Brother is a Loser
My Sister is a Loser
If you are reading this shirt, you are a Loser
If you do Drugs, you’re a Loser
If you beat your wife, you are a Loser
If you beat your Kids, you are a Loser
If you have an 80’s hairstyle, you are a Loser
If you get fired on your day off, you are a Loser
Loser University
Loser of the Week
Loser Golf
If you need a mulligan, you are a Loser
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